There are many ways to defend women's rights: through political action, associative life, demonstrations, awareness-raising, the international day of March 8 of course, but also through artistic and especially cinematographic means.
This is why, for twelve years now, the Très Court International Film Festival, which honors films of less than four minutes from around the world, selects, broadcasts and rewards the best short films that question the place of women in our societies. And not only on March 8th :)
This Très Courts format is precisely designed to go to the essential and offer, through these films, a feminine look at our world, its flaws, its qualities, a fair and sensitive look, a sharp look. And we really need it! Some of these films are gathered on our platform Women’s Words, which you can consult at will.
In June, at the time of the festival, we will propose a new selection of about twenty Very Short films in our Women’s Words competition. Our 100% female jury, composed of delegates from the Ministry in charge of equality between women and men as well as women activists, will award the Women's Rights Prize. In the meantime, we invite you to discover four award-winning Très Courts in recent years, to be seen on our Facebook page or on our YouTube channel.
On the program:
Recursos humanos - Joan Alvarez Llados (Spain)
Women's Rights Award - 15th edition - 2013
An example of a job interview not to follow.
To London - Alberto Gallego Ortiz (Spain)
Women's Rights Award - 16th edition - 2014
Between a mother and a daughter, a particularly touching story.
I am ordinary machismo - Fabrice Roulliat (France)
Women's Rights Award - 18th edition - 2016
Even at school, prejudice is hard to overcome.
Not a pizza order - Cécile Ragot (France)
Women's Rights Award - 19th edition - 2017
An emergency call to 911 (American emergency services) shows the complexity of certain sensitive cases.