Films : Edition 16


Christian Avilés (Spain)
Awards: First Prize Selection: International
Robert Löbel (Germany)
Awards: Audience Award Selection: International
Alberto Gallego Ortiz (Spain)
Awards: First Prize Selection: Women's Words
Selection: Travelling34
Guiseppe Bucci (Italy)
Selection: International
Alex Cornell (United Kingdom)
Selection: International
Nico Aguerre (Spain)
Selection: International
Ami Thompson (Canada)
Selection: International
Christine Kim and Elaine Wu (United States)
Selection: International
Patrick Jean (United States)
Selection: International
Ivan Knezevic (Serbia)
Selection: International
Jérôme Polny (France)
Selection: International
Sebastian Cosor (Romania)
Selection: International, Music'n'Dance
Andy Martin (United Kingdom)
Selection: International
Aitor Elorriaga (Spain)
Selection: They Dared
Peter Smith (Denmark)
Selection: International
Tom Teller (United States)
Selection: International
Andy Martin (United Kingdom)
Selection: Animation
Jens Rosemann and Silke Brandes (Germany)
Selection: International
Jonathan et Josh Baker (aka Twin) (United States)
Selection: International
Xiangjun Shi (United States)
Selection: Women's Words
Sergio Milán (Spain)
Selection: International
Sam Stephens and Christopher Mauch (United States)
Selection: International
Amanda DeSimone and Greg Emetaz (United States)
Selection: Women's Words
Sylvain Certain (France)
Selection: Women's Words
Sebastian Solberg (United Kingdom)
Selection: International
Sorrel Ahlfeld and Sam Stephens (United States)
Selection: International
Frédérique Proulx (Canada)
Selection: Women's Words
Guillaume Arantes (France)
Selection: Women's Words
Hubert Benhamdine and Gregory Bendrihem (France)
Selection: International
Hermanos Prada (Spain)
Selection: Women's Words
Vanessa Ricci (France)
Selection: Women's Words
Bill Sneed (United States)
Selection: International
Célia Bchir (France)
Selection: Women's Words


Gaël Bernard, Pauline Goasmat (France)
Selection: They Dared
Michaël Nauzon, Geoffroy Barbet Massin (France)
Selection: They Dared
Damien Stein (France)
Selection: Animation
Aoki Yoshino (Canada)
Selection: Family
Andy Martin (United Kingdom)
Selection: Music'n'Dance
Ben Garfield (United Kingdom)
Selection: Family
Phillip Montgomery (United States)
Selection: International
Sander Van Hessel (Belgium)
Selection: Travelling34
David Rinaldi, Arthur Dupont (France)
Selection: They Dared
Aerosyn-Lex Mestrovic (United States)
Selection: Music'n'Dance
Dmitri Voloshin (Moldova)
Selection: Animation
Gabriele Lo Giudice (United Kingdom)
Selection: Family
Karl Maddix (United Kingdom)
Selection: Animation
Guillermo García Carsí (Spain)
Selection: Animation
Tomoki Kurogi (Japan)
Selection: International
Ted Hardy-Carnac (France)
Selection: Travelling34
Amin Haghshenas (Iran)
Selection: They Dared
Eva Michon (United States)
Selection: Music'n'Dance
Patrick Ryder (United Kingdom)
Selection: Music'n'Dance
Giovanni Braggio (United Kingdom)
Selection: Animation
Seth Boyden (United States)
Selection: Family
Carol Rhyu (United States)
Selection: They Dared
Ahmed Hermassi (Tunisia)
Selection: International
Manuela Moreno (Spain)
Selection: Women's Words
Marie Lagrée (France)
Selection: They Dared
Uriel Jaouen Zrehen (France)
Selection: They Dared
Ariel Danzinger (United States)
Selection: Music'n'Dance
Diego Grandry (France)
Selection: Animation
Paolo Cogliati (United States)
Selection: Animation
Sotir Gelev (Bulgaria)
Selection: Family
John Mc Phail (United Kingdom)
Selection: International