
Welcome to the micro-planet of the Très Courts!

You might have noticed our new homepage: the seventeenth poster of the Très Court International Film Festival has been released! Made by Slim, it uses panoramic shots techniques in order to turn a scenery into a micro-planet: the planet of the Très Courts! Let's get the opportunity to remind you some important dates: you can send your very shorts ((less than three-minutes!) films until February 15th, and the festival will take place from 5th to 14th of June 2015!

The One Dollar Project

One Dollar is a participatory web documentary taking root in Cambodia by the Bophana Center, founded by award-winning filmmaker Rithy Panh. It is now an international project dedicated to individuals living below the poverty line in the world. One Dollar gives voice to the ones who often suffer from a lack of "speaking space". A young generation passionate about new media and audiovisual creation thus proves that you can move from impersonal numbers to personal stories, through "very short" video portraits. To know more about it, see films or submit your video portrait, please follow the link until December 31, 2014.

The selected movies

les selections

Selections are over!
With more than 2 000 very short movies to watch, the selection team had a big task.
Choices were hard to make, and there were many discussions.
Eventually, here is the list of every selected movies for this 16th edition.

Congratulations to those whose film was selected, and thanks to all of you for your participation!


Interactive Map

la carte des Très Courts

A new map of the world is now online, on home page, just below the playlist of the week. It will help you to find every screening places of the 16th edition of the festival.

You just have to zoom in on the map in order to see the nearest city from your home, then click on orange spots to get detailed informations about your city.


Jane Campion, president of the Festival de Cannes 2014

jane campion présidente jury festival de cannes 2014

This is the only woman to have received the “Palme d'Or”, the highest honor at Cannes in 1993 for The Piano, which succeds to Steven Spielberg.

The New Zealand director is the seventh woman president after Michèle Morgan, Jeanne Moreau, Françoise Sagan, Isabelle Adjani, Liv Ullmann and Isabelle Huppert in 2009.

For information, Jane Campion also won the “Palme d'Or” for Best Short Film in 1982 for Peel, her first production.

The 67th Festival de Cannes will start on May 14 and the Palme d'Or will be awarded by the director the 25.

Women's Words : Solidarity Event

Save the date!

Montpellier Agglomération, in partnership with the Très Court International Film Festival and the Food Bank of the Hérault, organizes a solidarity movie night on December 19 at the Auditorium of the Musée Fabre in Montpellier.

Program : two screenings of Women's Words very short films, one at 6 p.m, another at 8 p.m.

Cover Charge : 1kg (or more) of non-perishable food that will be donated to the Food Bank of the Hérault.

Come and confirm your participation at +33 4 67 13 60 00

Musée Fabre
39 boulevard Bonne Nouvelle
34000 Montpellier
Tramway lignes 1 et 2 station Comédie / lignes 1, 2 et 4 station Corum.

women's words

Women's Words highly supported

Each year, our French Ministry of Women's Rights supports our Women's Words competition and gives "Women's Right" Award to a Très Court dealing with issues such as prejudice, violence, or equality between women and men.

Discover the winner of the previous edition, Recursos Humanos, and other very short movies of this competition.

See other very short movies on Women's Words

Ministère du droit des femmes

The New York Times goes to Very Short

new york times hommage making a scene adèle exarchopoulos

Produced by the New York Times, Making a Scene is a tribute to eleven artists who marked the year 2013.

The project was directed by Janusz Kaminski, Steven Spielberg's Chief Operator and includes Adele Exarchopoulos, Robert Redford, Forest Whitaker, Bradley Cooper, Oprah Winfrey and many others.

Every Très Court (less than 90 seconds each) is a wink to the movie in which the actor (or actress!) get noticed. This is clearly the quality of this project: a single word, a single body movement is enough to show us the film in question.

We can regret a simplistic scenario in this very short form, but the attention given to aesthetics, including costumes, makeup, music and decorations makes us salute the originality of the performance.

All Making A Scene's videos are available on the New York Times's Website
