
Très Court in Tours: 90 films in 3 days

90 films in 3 days? Only at Le Très Court can you see that! And when the screenings are followed by award ceremonies in the presence of the juries, with chills and tears of emotion guaranteed, the experience is unforgettable.

If you'd like to experience it for yourself, come to the Studio cinemas in Tours on Friday June 14, Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16. You'll be able to meet the entire Très Court team and extend the experience through discussions with film professionals, activists and personalities who are shaking things up, in their own way.

On the program for these three intense days:

Friday June 14, 2024

7:30pm - Women's Words Competition
This feminist selection brings together some twenty Très Court films made by women, for women. The best of them will be awarded the Women's Rights Prize by the Jury presided over by director Iris Brey.

8:30pm - Ceremony in the presence of the Jury and buffet following the screening.

> Online ticketing

Saturday June 15, 2024

2:30pm - International Competition
40 Très Courts films compete for a place on the shortlist awarded by the Jury, chaired this year by director Antony Cordier, and by the public, who vote for their favorites.

5:00 pm - Awards ceremony in the presence of the Jury and buffet following the screening.

7:00 pm - 48h Très Court Environnement Competition
This selection brings together the 20 best films made in less than two days, by teams with the talent to make it to the top of this list of winners, which puts the spotlight on ecology. This citizen challenge is sponsored by the CUT! collective, cinema united for transition.

8:00 pm - Awards ceremony in the presence of the Jury and buffet following the screening.

8:30pm - Cocktail reception in the Jardin des Cinémas Studio in the presence of the Juries of both competitions, the directing teams and Très Court, in the Studio garden.

> International Competition tickets online

> 48h Très Court Environnement Competition tickets online

Sunday, June 16, 2024

11:00 am - Family Selection
Aimed at children aged 6 and over, this 50-minute selection features funny and sensitive Très Courts. The films are wordless (or with very little dialogue), so that the language barrier is no barrier to wonder. Young audiences will be invited to vote for their favorite film after the screening, which will be preceded by a brunch.

> Online ticketing

26th edition: welcome to Absurdia!

Every year, we receive nearly 2,000 films from all over the world. And every year, a new theme emerges.

In 2021, after containment, the watchword seemed to be: the end of the world. Filmmakers have also taken on issues of climate emergency, sounding the alarm with their talent. Last year, in 2023, war was massively represented.

For this new 2024 vintage, go figure, we received an incredible number of totally absurd films. Not that these works have no head or tail, no, on the contrary. It's as if the stories wanted to transcend our realities. It's as if these films were looking elsewhere for a new, zany, never-before-explored form of poetry and humor capable of restoring meaning to what we're living through.

"If an idea is not absurd a priori, it is hopeless", wrote Albert Einstein. And that's exactly what the hundred or so films selected for this 26th edition are all about: a form of hope, an escape, a bubble of fresh air that this Très Court format can, more than any other, transmit and share. A form of Release, to borrow the title of the film that opens the International Competition, because that's what we're looking for: to free ourselves.

The six selections:

International Competition: a world tour of fiction in all genres.
First part: 16 films / 57 minutes
Second part: 20 films / 1h02

Women's Words Competition: films by women, for women.
18 films / 58 minutes

Sélection Française: as the name suggests, films and productions from France and the French-speaking world.
22 films / 1h03

Sélection Familiale: for children over six, and of course their parents.
17 films / 51 minutes

Documentary selection: concentrated docs from around the world.
17 films / 57 minutes

Discover all selected films >>

Light, light, light!


After a fabulous 25th edition, where audiences, professionals, partners and towns all came together, the Très Court is back in action!

The 26th edition of the festival will take place from June 7 to 16, 2024, all over the world. Over 50 cities around the globe will screen films from our Selections and Competitions during these 10 days dedicated to the creativity of talented filmmakers, because films under 4 minutes long have superpowers: they transport us, move us and transcend us in no time at all. With powerful messages, these filmmakers express their vision of the world through their inventiveness. It's up to us to enter their world for a moment.

Last year was a year of hope, this new edition promises to be powerful and radiant. The festival team has realized the need for this event. We're not looking to organize another Cannes Film Festival because we're not interested in glitter: it stings the eyes and pollutes the planet. What we do want is to shed light on a unique cinematic category that too often remains in the shadows. We also want to offer you an array of vibrant colors, a multitude of audiovisual imaginations and unforgettable screenings to share. 

2024 is shaping up to be an explosive year! Our poster radiates good humor and attests to an even stronger determination to spread the word about our films and our values. For the 26th time, welcome to the Très Court International Film Festival.

Your film on the big screen, everywhere around the world

Have you made or are currently producing a film lasting less than 4 minutes?


Register for the call for films for the 26th edition of the Très Court International Film Festival.


You can say a lot in a very short story. This format gives you the opportunity to create an intense and captivating work, regardless of genre, style, subject or means. Whether you're a novice cinephile, a film student, an up-and-coming director, an experienced filmmaker or a Palme d'Or winner - who knows - join the adventure!

Register your very short film(s) for free on our website. You have until February 19, 2024 to try to be selected among the 140 festival films screened around the world. You'll then be in line to win one of our many prizes, including the €1,500 Grand Prix, and take part in the awards ceremonies at the Cinémas Studio in Tours from June 14 to 16, 2024.

Bonus: with l'Instant Très Court, your film will also have the opportunity to be discovered on the big screen throughout the year in our partner cinemas.

Challenge accepted? So grab your pens, your storyboards and your cameras!

25th Très Court International Film Festival Jury of the International CompetitionThe Jury of the International Competition
chaired by Fabrice Maruca

25th Très Court International Film Festival Jury of Women's Words CompetitionThe Jury of the Women's Words Competition
chaired by Chloé Ponce-Voiron

25th Très Court International Film Festival Jury of the Défi 48h CompetitionThe Jury of the Défi 48h Competition
chaired by Camille Étienne and Solal Moisan

25th edition : the Best Of

The Très Court, again and again!


You missed the festival in June and are wishing you hadn't? You attended a screening, and it was so good that you want to see the films again? Good news: this year, we've put together a Best of collection of 22 films that have captured the hearts of Jurys, audiences and our team. They come from the 7 selections for 2023, that is, the International Competition, Women's Words, Family, Documentary, French Selection, Let's Laugh (before the end of the world) and the 48h Très Court Environnement Challenge (which you can find in full here).

This program is intended for our network, but not only: the idea is to promote better understanding of this singular format and the films of the 2023 edition, inviting us to joy and hope, with a great deal of humor and finesse.

Best Of 2023 Selection

1. Poin Poin Poin

Quentin Laville France

2. Le Figuier

Jimmy Conchou France

3. Come With Me

Trevor Clarence Australie

4. L’amour Fécond

Arthur Pereira France

5. Cuando crece la hierba

María Monreal Otano Espagne

6. A Bloody Graveyard Story

Vanessa Stachel Allemagne

7. A Brief Disagreement

Steve Cutts Royaume-Uni

8. Semillas

Toni Bestard Espagne

9. No Leaders Please

Joan Gratz États-Unis

10. ¿De qué murió el osito?

Paula Amor Espagne

11. Temps Attendu

Eden Ducourant France

12. Stillleben mit Gefühlsunschärfe

Maja Gehrig Suisse

13. L’Augmentation

Régis Granet France

14. The End

Alexandria Siah États-Unis

15. Réincarnés

Hugo Brunswick, Camille Charbeau France

16. Là où l’on s’écoule

Léa Clerc France

17. Structures

Mohamed El Zayat Égypte

18. Tonnerre de Brest

Axel Rousselot France

19. Leçon particulière

Victoria Pellet France

20. Rêves Party

Amélie Prévot, Marion Christmann France

21. Und dänn...

Leo Graf, Tanja Nuijten, Raphael Stalder Suisse

22. I Don’t Need a Reason

Luke Willis États-Unis


Are you a city looking to organize a screening for its residents? A media library that would like to offer audiovisual content to its users? A cinema looking to highlight short films? A festival looking to expand its programming? A company looking to strengthen ties between its employees? The Best Of is the program for you.

Length: 1h03
Original version with English or French subtitles
Available in DCP or MP4 according to your needs
Delivered with a program to print and distribute to your audience

When it comes to animating your screenings, count on us! In fact, we can arrange for directors and a member of the Très Court team to come and talk to your audience.

If you are interested in distributing it, or would like a preview, please contact us at

The festival in Tours: a feast for the eyes

We predicted it, and we were right: there was indeed hope, joy and love at the Cinémas Studio in Tours! And while the festivities are now over, we can't resist looking back on two days of joyful celebrations at the screenings and awards ceremonies for our three selections in competition.


First of all, hope: on the evening of Friday June 9, the public was invited to discover the Women's Words Competition in the cinema's large auditorium, which provided a warm welcome for the 20 films selected for their accuracy, humor and seriousness on subjects that concern women first and foremost: menstruation, motherhood, our relationship with our bodies and sexuality, the discrimination and violence against which we must fight relentlessly, and generosity and sisterhood.

The Women's Words Jury: Chloé Ponce-Voiron, Valérie Rey-Robert, Élise Pereira-Nunes, Laura Raim, Reine Prat and Victoria Netto
The directors Nora Dahleim (Text Me When You're Home) and Baya Massamba (Miroir)
Manon Ribis of the Bédelire bookshop

Once the awards had been handed out, the Jury, chaired by Chloé Ponce-Voiron, answered a series of questions from Manon Ribis, of the Bédélire bookshop, to outline the actions that will help make cinema inherently feminist and inclusive. Certainly, the lines are moving, and the juries are hopeful that one day there will be no need to present a selection like that of Women's Words, but in the meantime, we must continue to make female directors more visible, ensure that films at least pass the Bechdel test, and aim for parity - that famous 50/50 that the Très Court International Film Festival managed to achieve this year, all selections included.

Joy, again and again: on Saturday June 10, at 5.30pm, the giant screen of Room 7 of the Studio welcomed the International Competition, 40 films that make up the best of the year's world production. The two-hour program, interrupted by a welcome intermission, took the audience from laughter to tears, cheering as the credits rolled. The lively atmosphere was testimony to an excellent 2023 season, and choosing your three favorite films was no easy task. The most scrupulous spectators took notes on the program or on the ballot paper before slipping it into the ballot box set up near the buffet.

The Jury the the International Competition : Céline Cloarec, Quentin Delcourt, Delphine Malaussena, Fabrice Maruca, Nixon Singa and Jérôme Parlange

Last but not least, love: at around 9pm, the audience gathered to discover the films selected as part of the Défi 48h Très Court Environnement challenge. The previous weekend, over 80 teams had signed up to make a Très Court in just two days, while respecting four constraints. This year's theme, inspired by Challenge sponsor and activist Camille Etienne, was action time. Teams had to place chocolate, involve a tourist, and use the following line: "I'm a little afraid of how this is going to be used." In the end, 61 teams managed to finalize a film, and 22 of them were selected to be screened in cinemas, including 13 animated films.

In short, the atmosphere was electric! Some twenty participants had come to see their film on the big screen, and to find out if they had won one of the 6 prizes for this selection. At the end of the screening, the winners were announced. The International Competition Jury, chaired by Fabrice Maruca, opened the ball with the announcement of the Prizes for Originality, Animation and the Grand Prize. After singing a short song, the jurors detailed the qualities of each winning film, and their authors were able to express their gratitude and joy through a short video projected onto the screen. It was as if they were here with us!

The Jury of the Défi 48h Très Court Environnement challenge: Camille Étienne, Solal Moisan, Sixtine Dano, Lénie Chérino and Lison D'Andréa
The Jury of the Défi 48h Très Court Environnement challenge: Claude Gruffat and Nicolas d'ImagoTV
Solal Moisan, Camille Étienne and Sixtine Dano discussing with Guillaume Dubois and Rachel Dano (La cerise sur le gâteau)

Then it was time for the winners of the Défi 48h Très Court Environnement challenge to be announced. The emotion and nervousness before the results were revealed were obvious in the room. Delphine Benassy, vice-president of the Centre-Val-de-Loire region in charge of culture, was keen to welcome the Festival to the region, which was good news for everyone. Then Claude Gruffat, jury member for the Défi 48h and MEP for the Les Verts/Ale group, along with Camille Etienne and Solal Moisan, reminded the audience of the importance of cinema taking up ecology-related issues, so that views evolve, discourse changes, and we end up collectively finding ways of responding to the climate emergency.

One of these actions is love, and this is the theme of the film L'amour fécond, which won the CNC/Talent grant. When his name was announced, director Arthur Pereira, accompanied by Mathilde Offer, let out a cry of astonishment, and both arrived on stage speechless, thinking they'd made an off-topic with this "dramatic and romantic comedy in a dystopian world, to propose an imaginary future, in its everyday actions". An emotional moment that continued over drinks in the garden, where delicious pieces of chocolate were served, as the audience chatted with the jurors and the directors present.

We certainly didn't want the evening to end, but when it was well past midnight, we had to say goodbye, a little sad to be parted, but so happy about the moments we'd shared.

The great room of the Cinémas Studio
Arthur Péreira, winner of the CNC Talent Award, accompanied by Mathilde Offer
The young folks at the Studio Ciné-Club: an incredible team of volunteers!

> Discover the festival palmares

> (Re)experience this festive weekend through pictures

The Très Court around the world

The Très Court International Film Festival crosses borders, traveling each year to over fifty cities in a dozen countries. This year, the 25th edition took place in 13 cities in France and its overseas territories, and 40 cities abroad: Algeria, Canada, China, Djibouti, Egypt, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain and the Seychelles.

We give the stage to our ambassadors from the Alliances Françaises, who bring the Très Court to audiences all over the world!



To find out more about all the screening venues, click here

> Discover the awards ceremonies in Tours

The Défi 48h in Valence

If you missed the Tours ceremonies and our article on these two evenings made you want to discover The Très Court, don't panic!


Our entire team heads down to Valence to join the two co-organizers of the Défi 48h Challenge, Camille Chao and Hugo de Faucompret. These two animation filmmakers mobilized all the region's animators to take part in the 5th edition of this crazy competition, in which filmmakers had just two days to make an environment-related film within 4 constraints. This year, the theme was "Action Time". Teams had to place chocolate, involve a tourist, and use the following line: "I'm a little afraid of how this is going to be used".

To discover the 22 shortlisted films, join us at 7pm at the LUX Scène Nationale for the screening and awards ceremony, attended by activist Sixtine Dano, producer Marianne Chazelas and author Corinne Morel Darleux. The evening continues at the La Barrack pub, where you can meet the filmmakers over a drink. But that's not all: a concert, a JAM and a DJ set are waiting for you to party the night away! Single ticket price €4

Le Très Court in Tours : there's love!

Are you looking for an extraordinary cinema experience? A screening in a huge theatre where 20 different films are shown in one hour? Films from all over the world, whether comedies, animated films or experimental films, touching films that give you chills? An hour to laugh, to shudder, to blush sometimes, an hour to be catapulted into a condensed version of the 7th art, with the most concise, the most amazing, the most creative too?

Then welcome to the Studio cinemas in Tours on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 June for the high point of the Très Court International Film Festival, namely the screenings and the award ceremonies in the presence of the juries. You will have the opportunity to extend the experience of the Très Court through exchanges with film professionals, activists and personalities who wish to move the lines, in their own way.

On the programme for these two intense days:

Friday 9 June 2023

7:30 pm: Screening of the Women's Words Competition
8.30 pm: Award ceremony

The screening will be followed by an exchange with the jurors: Chloé Ponce-Voiron, director and co-founder of the Women's Foundation, Reine Prat, author of two ministerial reports on gender equality in the arts and culture sector in France, Elise Pereira Nunes, deputy mayor of Tours (Gender equality, International relations, city network, Francophonie), Laura Raim, journalist (Les idées larges on Arte), Hélène Mitjavile, producer (Melocoton), Valérie Rey-Robert, writer, activist and Victoria Neto, director.

This exchange will be moderated by Manon Ribis from the Bédélire bookshop around the following question: "How can we contribute to making cinema intrinsically feminist and inclusive?

The evening will end with a free cocktail.

Saturday 10 June 2023

17:30: Screening of the International Competition - Part 1
6.30 pm: Intermission
7pm: Screening of the International Competition - Part 2
8pm: Free buffet
9pm: Screening of the 48h Very Short Environment Challenge Competition
10pm : Awards ceremony
10:30 pm: Free cocktail

The festivities will take place in the presence of the jurors of:

  • International Competition: Fabrice Maruca, President of the Jury, director, Céline Cloarec, editor, Colette Quesson, producer (A perte de vue), Delphine Malaussena, composer, Jérôme Parlange, coordinator of Émergence et court métrage, Quentin Delcourt, director, producer, co-director of the Pluriel-les festival, Nixon Singa, director.
  • the Défi 48h Très Court Environnement: Camille Etienne, activist, and Solal Moisan, director, both members of the duo Avant l'orage and sponsor of the challenge, Pierre-André Lhomme, producer and director, Claude Gruffat, MEP of the Europe Écologie Les Verts ALE delegation, Lison D'Andréa, scriptwriter, Lénie Chérino, actress and Sixtine Dano, animator and activist.


Festival pass (3 screenings) on sale at the reception of the Studio cinemas.
Subscriber rate: €9.60
Non-subscriber rate: €16.50

For single screenings, the current Cinémas Studio rate applies, and online ticketing is available:
Women's words Compétition
Internationale Compétition
Défi 48h Très Court Environnement Compétition

International competition: there's joy!

It's a joy!

Very often, when we present the Très Court to those who are not familiar with this format, the reactions are more or less always the same: "a film of less than four minutes? It's a kind of video clip, or a commercial? Well, no. It's a real film, with a script, actors, production, sound design, cinematography, and a director at work of course. But, beyond the technique, it is above all a condensed version of the 7th art in its most concise, most amazing and most creative form.

And for 25 years now, the Très Court has been honouring these films that never cease to surprise and move us. This year, the trend is towards joy and hope. Once again, this 2023 vintage offers a multitude of views from all over the world, sharp looks at what we are going through, from the climate crisis to the feminist revolution, and the selected films give off an urgency to fraternity and sisterhood, a need for love too, a need to say it, to film it, and to share it with you. Let's make the most of it!

The International Competition will take to the skies from 2 to 11 June 2023 in ten cities in France and some forty abroad. From Montreal to Venice, from China to Romania, from the Seychelles to New Caledonia, expect to vibrate to the rhythm of the Très Courts which, this year more than ever, will reveal the talent and relevance of a whole generation of filmmakers. To find out more about the festival's venues, take a look at our world map.

Discover all the members of the Jury, chaired this year by director Fabrice Maruca and accompanied by producer Marianne Chazelas, CICLIC's emergence and short film coordinator Jérôme Parlange, producer Colette Quesson, writer-director Quentin Delcourt, composer Delphine Malausséna, director and scriptwriter Nixon Singa and editor Céline Cloarec

Attend the Awards Ceremony on Saturday 10 June at the Cinémas Studio in Tours (France) after the screening of the International Competition at 5.30 pm, and meet all the members of the Jury and the directors. Tickets are on sale at the reception of the Cinémas Studio, but also online!
